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My name is Friedhelm Matthies, a graduate psychologist and, above all, I am a Gestalt therapist. Since the middle of 1970 I have been acquainted with gestalt therapy, and for more than 5 years I have been developing a continuous Gestalttherapy aus formation at the Fritz Perls Institute in Germany. I had my therapeutic practice for over 20 years in the youth psychiatry service and practise in Hamburg in Germany and other countries.
Since 1985 I lead the Hamburge Institute for Gestalt-oriented Continuing Education. Consequently, I also had to do with the teaching of theory and practice and the formation of Gestalt therapists and Gestalt therapists. That’s why I have been intensively studying the theory of the gestalt-approach
Not all the findings of Perls and Goodman form a coherent theory. In the course of time, many attempts were made to supplement Gestalt approach with elements from different theories. This is only useful if they are consistent with each other.
The phenomenological angle of vision is an essential basis for total therapy and a distinguishing feature for the deep psychological (analytical) or behavioral therapy.
It is all the more astonishing that the theoretical further development of phenomenology has hitherto been neglected or neglected in Gestalt therapy.
Even recent publications on Gestalt therapy merely describe the understanding of Husserl’s phenomenology (see Votsmeier-Rohr / Wulf 2017, Flemig-Crocker 2017) without including the new findings of phenomenology.
In addition to Merleau-Ponty, I consider Hermann Schmitz the founder of the New Phenomenology with his new phenomenological system for a suitable and valuable approach for psychotherapy, counseling and pedagogy, and especially for the gestalt approach.
New phenomenology differs from other philosophical approaches in that it is oriented around experience and applicability. The new phenomenonology is intercultural and interdisciplinary orientated.
For almost 20 years, I was able to learn the theory and practice of the New Phenomenology in lectures and regular supervisions at Hermann Schmitz. And then apply them in practice and theory.
I would like to share these experiences with other interested people.